- Greg A LaugeniNACE Certified Coating Inspector - Level 3132706Cert No.3095April 30, 2026

Greg A Laugeni
NACE Certified Coating Inspector - Level 3
Cert No.3095
April 30, 2026
Greg A Laugeni
The person to whom this has been issued has fulfilled the examination and experience requirements of the NACE Institute in order to attain the status of NACE Certified Coating Inspector - Level 3.
NOTE: This recognition will expire on the date noted. It is the responsibility of the cardholder to notify the NACE Institute of address changes. Failure to receive notices from the NACE Institute does not relieve the cardholder of the responsibility to contact the NACE Institute to complete the renewal process.
Issued on
May 1, 1993
Expires on
April 30, 2026